Here you can view our frequently updated wish list.
If there is an item on the list you would like to purchase for our team, please contact us for further instructions.
You can also check out our amazon wishlist for a more updated list
- Electrical
- roboRIO
- Importance: critical
- The main robot controller, specific to FIRST
- $435.00/unit
- Currently, the roboRIO is only available for pre-order. Due to its critical nature within FIRST, stock will likely run out very quickly.
- Power Distribution Panel
- Importance: high
- Distributes power to all of the robot components, FIRST-specific.
- $199.99/unit
- Like the roboRIO, this component is brand new (meaning that no one has spares). It is very important to have spares as previous versions of this board can fail fairly easily.
- Pneumatic Control Module
- Importance: critical
- This part is completely new and necessary in order to run pneumatic systems on the robot. Pneumatics are very efficient when linear motion is required. The launcher for our 2014 robot would not have worked nearly as well without the pneumatics.
- $89.99/unit
- Motor Controllers
- Importance: critical
- There are multiple motor controllers that FIRST allows. These include the Victor SP, Talon SRX, and Spike H-Bridge Relays
- The Victor SP and Talon SRX controllers are new to 2015 and will completely replace the current variable motor controllers in 2016.
- We are primarily interested in the Victor SP as it is the most reasonably priced and we do not need the extra features of the Talon SRX
- Motor controllers are necessary in order to run motors. The Victor SP and Talon SRX are fully variable and needed in order to run the driver motors. The Spike can only run a motor in forward or reverse, it is also used to control air compressors and other loads too high for the roboRIO to run itself.
- We will need at least 8 Victor SP controllers. We still have a few (old) Spikes.
- Victor SP: $59.99
- Talon SRX: $79.99
- Spike: $34.95
- If you donate as an individual, the money will likely go towards motor controllers, they are replaced the most often.
- Motors
- Importance: medium
- FIRST allows various DC motors (not steppers). These include the CIM motor for driving the robot, the Mini CIM for controlling medium-sized mechanical components, and the BAG motor for lightweight applications. A complete list of the allowed motors can be found here.
- Hobbyist servo motors are allowed as long as they have a maximum power rating below 4W at 6V.
- CIM Motor: $27.99
- Mini CIM: $24.99
- BAG Motor
- The cost of servos varies,, RC hobby shops, and electronics stores such as Radio Shack and Frys carries them.
- NOTE: CIM motors are by far the most important. They are required for driving and useful for running large mechanical components.
- Sensors
- Importance: low
- Sensors can be useful in during the autonomus period of every match; however, our primary need at this point is a mentor who knows how to use them effectively.
- Encoders, ultrasonic sensors (MaxBotix makes sensors compatible with FIRST's system), gyroscopes, and accelerometers can all be useful.
- We have an xBox Kinect but are having trouble using it for targeting detection.
- Pneumatics Solenoids
- Importance: critical
- Industrial 12 or 24V solenoids are necessary in order to control pistons. Unfortunately, we are completely out.
- FIRST places heavy restrictions on the allowed solenoid specifications.
- Festo VUVG Double Solenoid valves ($115 apice) are recommended due to their simplicity and small form factor.
- SMC Double Solenoid Valves: ~$100 with necessary accessories
- xBox Remote
- Importance: medium
- We use USB xBox remotes in order to drive the robot(s). They eventually wear out or we need more in order to perform a practice session.
- You can get these at various places including RadioShack, Frys, gaming stores, and websites such as eBay or Amazon. In order for the remote to work for us, it needs to be wired and have a USB adapter or built-in USB connection.
- Development Boards
- Importance: low
- Many teams use inexpensive Arduino or TI LaunchPad boards to create custom driver stations. These boards can also be useful for controlling small parts of the robot or parsing sensor input.
- More powerful Linux-based boards such as the BeagleBone or Raspberry PI can potentially be used for image and data processing, tasks that the roboRIO alone would have trouble handling due to the extra time they take.
- TI LaunchPad: $10-$20
- Arduino: various prices depending on version and distributor
- BeagleBone Black: $55
- Raspberry PI: cost varies based on model, typically cheaper than BeagleBone Black, but has fewer features
- roboRIO
- Mechanical
- C-channel or Equivalent
- Importance: Critical
- C-channel is an highly used structural element in building a FRC robot. We get supplied with a limited quantity of C-channel in the kit of parts, and we usually use those up pretty quick due to prototyping and building. Anything that is similar would be useful, we are capable of drilling our own holes.
- Cross section dimensions: 1.25 inch tall x 1.13 inch wide. Note that this is ideal for us because we have connectors designed to fit inside the C.
- Aluminium is preferred due to FRC weight restrictions.
- C-channel runs for $18 through Andy Mark
- 8020
- Importance: High
- Please contact us for where to purchase and size specifications.
- C-channel or Equivalent
- Marketing
- Team Stickers
- Importance: Low
- Having Skynet stickers to hand out during outreach and competition events would be a very nice thing to have.
- Please contact us for sticker design.
- Team Stickers
- Uncategorised